Grand safari greetings
A quick reach-out to you to say hi and to ask how you are doing?
Nothing could ever have prepared the entire world’s population for a health scare lockdown of these insane proportions.
Nothing. Not the rich. Not the poor. Not the old and not the young could ever imagined we would find ourselves shut off from each other and imprisoned in a web of threats and intention /counter intentions as the focus has moved from self preservation to an all out political showdown.
Our industry – the “HOSPITALity” industry – is possibly one of the more gung-ho optimistic industries on planet earth today.
I’m astounded by the tenacity of fellow service providers to make a plan and keep going, or reinvent and keep going, or recreate – but just keep going. Wow!
The sharing of ideas and the sheer magnitude of help-flows between operators, agents and suppliers is truly heartwarming.
I’ve snapped up the opportunity to get my training levels polished up and have at the same time being forwarding any FREE ONLINE TRAINING to my displaced suppliers and staff, who are patiently waiting like all of us for our industry to come back fully online again. It’s been a message of “keep busy”, “keep training” and keep being inventive AND don’t give up!
It’s now obvious that our industry will have many casualties across the board. This is beyond doubt now. Many are leaving tourism and moving over into one or other “essential service” and doing whatever it takes.
Our management team have used this time to keep training and improving their life skills and admin training skills, we’ve repaired and renovated all our game reserve buildings and tentage, handled all our game fence lines and graded all our roads out at our HQ on the Hayward’s Safari Sanctuary.
We’ve also started our bee farming, installed a porcupine proof staff vegetable garden, planted a small test olive orchard and bought a bunch of very wild Ankole cattle from central Africa! We are laying down our future in a causative manner.
The moral of the story we are following is to keep creating, keep expanding and keep being productive.
I’d love to know what you’ve been doing to make it go right?
Do you have a story of hope and positivity?
Please share with us. It’s always valuable to keep communicating.
I look forward to your valued response.
P.S. This is the product we produce: “A rare & privileged tented safari camp event that supercedes the expectations of our clients in every way and is fully acknowledged as one of the greatest wilderness event experiences of their lives.”
Until next time.
Keep Exploring