Sure you’ve always wanted to take your group of top performers on a safari. But it’s been quite a task finding a venue that provides an authentic safari experience and that can handle your whole group, hasn’t it?
To add insult to injury when trying to find the ultimate getaway for your top performers, you need to find something the guests themselves cannot access in their private capacity – what’s the point of taking them on an experience every “common run of the mill tourist” can buy anyway?
Then finally….how do you keep your group of highly productive players firmly distanced from a huge tour group sydrome ? How do you keep the safari experience highly personalised and bespoke?
Perhaps it should also be a true 5 Star experience – nothing but the best for your best? To keep it tops throw in the very best safari guides available in the region so your wildlife encounters are superb, then add on staged dinner entertainment that showcases the leading artists in southern Africa! Theme each dinner in an elaborate display of African culture!
Ah but you need one last item to ensure it matches your criteria- absolute exclusive privacy – no other guests- just you and your esteemed group – a group of 40 minimum or 200 maximum in your very own 5 star rated, award winning, exploration tented camp.
Your research into the depths of Google will uncover only one such venue in all of Africa – Hayward’s Grand Safari Co. It has stood the test of time and provided exemplary safari service to statesmen, royalty, celebrities, business tycoons and opinion leaders.
Now, its your turn.
Yours in exploration